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Child Support Attorney in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

As a parent, you have a duty to take care of your child or children. Unfortunately, your relationship with your co-parent may not turn out the way you would have hoped that it would. If that is the case for you, you deserve a chance to seek financial support so that you can give your children a happy and comfortable life. At my law firm, The Daubenspeck Law Office, I provide holistic family law services to families in Murfreesboro, Smyrna, La Vergne, Wilson County, and Williamson County, Tennessee. If you are seeking a divorce or child custody and support, I will fight on your behalf for a fair and just amount. Contact me today in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and schedule a free consultation of your child support case.  

What is Child Support? 

Both parents are legally responsible for the well-being of their children. That means, until each child is 18, both of the legal parents must take care of the children, which comes with fiscal responsibilities. Child support is the legal agreement that co-parents make where one parent financially supports another parent so that he or she can have the needed resources to take care of their children. As your attorney, I will analyze your situation and seek a proper amount of monthly child support to be given to you and your children. To get started, reach out to me in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and set up a free meeting. 

What Qualifies as Supportable Income in Tennessee? 

Some people may think that child support can only come from the paying parent’s earned income. However, financial support can come from many means including: 

  • Earned income – Money that is earned from a job; salary, wages, commissions, stipends, tips, fees, bonuses, etc. This includes self-employed income. 

  • Income made from real estate – If the co-parent makes a profit from real estate deals such as capital gains, or renting real estate holdings or land. 

  • Alimony – If the co-parent receives alimony from a previous marriage, that could qualify in your child support agreement. 

  • Unemployment or disability income – This includes Social Security disability insurance benefits, workers’ compensation payments, and veteran's disability. 

  • Investments – Any money made from investments such as bank deposits, trust accounts, company stock, and more. 

  • Judgments – Financial damages from a past lawsuit such as a personal injury or tort. 

  • Retirement income – Any account that is to be paid at the time of retirements, such as pensions, IRAs, Social Security, and more. 

  • Winnings – Any prizes obtained from gambling, lottery, or any other rewards. This can also include gifts. 

What Does Not Qualify as Supportable Income in Tennessee? 

There are a few exceptions that do not qualify for child support in Tennessee. They include: 

  • Child support from another marriage 

  • Public assistance – This includes food stamps, TABF, Social Security Disability Insurance 

  • Adoption assistance 

  • The children’s income 

No matter what your co-parent's financial situation is like, I will fight for the child support that you need. If you are in need of a reliable and experienced attorney in Murfreesboro, Smyrna, La Vergne, Wilson County, or Williamson County, Tennessee, contact me for a free meeting. 

I Am Here for Your Family

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The Benefits of Mediation 

In the state of Tennessee, family law matters such as divorce and child support must go through some form of mediation before proceeding. However, you might find it more beneficial to continue with the mediation process rather than a trial. In mediation, you can: 

  • Save time and money 

  • Build a better relationship going forward 

  • Have more control of the outcome 

  • Can save you and your children stress 

Along with being a family law attorney, I am also a skilled and experienced mediator. I find that most co-parents find this option better in the long run, as they save a considerable amount of time, money, and stress. Speak to me today if you would like to hear more about my mediation services for child support cases. 

Dedicated to Building a Better Future for Your Children 

As your child support attorney, I will seek what you desire so that your children can live comfortable lives. If your family resides in Murfreesboro, Smyrna, La Vergne, Wilson County, or Williamson County, Tennessee, get in contact with me at The Daubenspeck Law Office and schedule a free consultation of your case.